Friday, Oct. 19, 2018
Employee recovered an abandoned bicycle from the Bryan Building.
Student reported his vehicle burglarized while parked in C1 parking lot.
Employee reported his vehicle keyed while parked on Buckner Lane.
Student reported his vehicle burglarized while parked in C1 parking lot.
Student reported his headphones stolen from McCool Hall.
Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018
Student’s vehicle was burglarized while parked in E9 parking lot.
Student reported his vehicle was burglarized on Oct. 20, in E9 parking lot.
Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018
Officer to a non-criminal fire at Oak Hall.
Monday, Oct. 22, 2018
Student arrested on a warrant at McKee Hall for felony burglary of a residence.
Employee reported damages to her property due to her room in Griffis Hall being flooded.
Employee reported being harassed by an ex-boyfriend.
Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2018
Employee reported missing radios at the Sanderson Center during an annual inventory audit.
Non-resident/visitor arrested on Hail State Boulevard for speeding 65/45, expired driver’s license and DUI.
Employee reported a golf cart stolen outside the Student Union that was stolen from Davis Wade Stadium.
Notable Traffic Citations:
Eleven MSU citations issued, the worst of this is 43/20 in Research Park.
Justice Court citation issued for no insurance on Hardy Road.
Bad Dawgs Oct. 19-24
October 25, 2018