Carrington Davis grew up in Columbus as a tried and true Mississippi State University fan, attending football games each year. Growing up, Davis always knew two things — she wanted to be a teacher and a she wanted to be a Mississippi State Bulldog.
Now a senior elementary education major and MSU’s 2023 Homecoming Queen, Davis said the new MSU tagline, “Taking Care of What Matters,” means to foster community and belonging in students.
“It’s getting a great education and being prepared for the real world. But it’s also figuring out who you are what your values are and what you stand for,” Davis said. “And so, I feel like that’s one of the most important things about our campus is that we’re constantly fostering this environment where people feel like they are not alone and that they’re loved and there’s so many people here cheering them on.”
Davis serves MSU students as a Roadrunner, Orientation Leader, Brickfire Mentor, Delta Gamma sorority chapter president and a Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program scholar.
Ty Abernathy is an assistant educational psychology professor and a developer of MSU’s study abroad program. Davis was one of his students during a study abroad program in Spain, and he described her as a driven student who is highly invested in others.
While Abernathy was setting up posters for the upcoming study abroad trip on the Drill Field, he watched Davis interact with students while campaigning for homecoming.
“I was just really impressed that Carrington made so many people feel seen, and not just people that were in the spotlight, not just people that you would want to get to know because of letters on their chest or positions – this really got me thinking. You know, we’re supposed to be the people’s university, you know, she really is the queen of people. I really mean that,” Abernathy said.
Shelby Hodgkiss, a senior communication major from Sikeston, Missouri, is one of Davis’ closest friends. Hodgkiss said she has always looked up to Davis and helped with her campaign.
“She’s an elementary education major and has a heart for children – like loves them. She is a hometown girl from Columbus, and she just wants to give back to the Golden Triangle community because this is the community that raised her. And you know, she just wants to make a better life for people and elementary schools, children and their education,” Hodgkiss said.
Ann Olivia Radicioni, a senior political science major from Clinton, Mississippi and Miss MSU, said Davis has personally inspired her, and that she embodies MSU because of her care for others and the value of mentorship.
“I always say mentorship is my number one thing and Carrington is obviously the echo of that. I think that in Starkville and at Mississippi State, you will find a lot of mentors… So it’s been really awesome to see how Carrington dedicates to what I believe is the core of Mississippi State. And it’s been so unique because all my friends can see it in Carrington too, whether that’s community kindness, mentorship or respect for others. She really does have it all and I think that’s the most important thing,” Radicioni said.
Radicioni said she looks up to Davis and believes she is a great role model for MSU students.
“I think she is empowering. I think that through the sheer force of love and care that she shows everyone, it really encourages everyone around her to find competence and joy within themselves. It’s so unique to have someone who comes through and is that full of light that just transfers to everyone around her. It’s very, very special,” Radicioni said.
Homecoming Queen 2023: Carrington Davis
Homecoming Queen 2023
About the Contributor

Elisa Stocking, Staff Writer
Elisa Stocking is a senior communication major. Elisa is currently a staff writer for The Reflector.
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