“The student health service is truly a general practice institution.” stated Dr. John C. Longest in discussing the functions of the new infirmary and added staff.
The outpatient clinic is the most important of the hospital facilities because most of the patients are treated there. The clinic nurse meets every patient. She directly consults with the patient, interprets his needs and treats him if it is within the realm of her ability and supply medications, or else she assigns the patient to the doctor, laboratory, physiotherapy, or X-ray. It is her duty to carefully screen all patients. She is responsible for daily rechecking patients as a safeguard against serious illness inadvertently slipping past.
The clinic nurse is on duty from 7 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday and from 7 am to 1 pm Saturday. Drs. Longest and Welch are on call all hours
for emergency. The university hospital provides 24 hour care After hours, from 5 pm to 7 am for emergency and acute illness students should report to the top floor. The student health service requests that patients report during clinic hours for routine care.
The school hospital or infirmary is usually operated like a general hospital so far as staffing and general principles are concerned.
Clinical laboratories and x-ray are generally operated as a unit. There are three lab technicians all of which are licensed. Nominal charges are made for x rays, but other services are included in the student fee except those requiring a charge for outside work or a consultant for interpretation. Physiotherapy and physical medicine is a big part of a student clinic and is well provided for with space, equipment, and personnel.