Students who have applied for positions on The Reflector staff for next year and all other students interested in joining the staff will meet next Thursday night, May 13, at 7:30 in Room 104 of the Union.
The meeting has been called by editor Boyd Gatlin and Business Manager Larry Walters to bring together all prospective Reflector personnel for next year in order “to provide preliminary orientation and organization.”
Tentative appointments will be made for both the editorial and the business staffs. “Attendance by anyone wanting any kind of employment with the campus newspaper is necessary for an appointment.” said the editor.
The position of managing editor, the official in charge of organization and management, has already been granted to Charles Walden, a sophomore from Canton.
Openings still exist in such areas of publication work as typing (typesetting on automatic typewriter), production equipment operators, reporters, editorships, circulation, ad sales, layout editors, and re-writers according to Gatiin.
Appointments will be announced at the meeting Thursday.
Gatlin says the new and advanced concept of next year’s paper, to be published twice weekly, will offer new opportunities for even the most inexperienced student to take part in the publication of the campus newspaper.