“Let the Season Begin-Hunting Season, That Is.”
As the sunrise warms the cool blanket of dew that has coated your shirt, the memories return…the 10-point buck where you shot a little low, the thunderous gobbles of our bearded friend and the early morning quacks. ‘Well, let’s just hope that sound returns this year.’ The sudden bang of a shotgun returns you to reality. And as you sit on your bucket with gun in hand, you thank the Lord that hunting season is back.
Labor Day officially kicks off hunting season by opening the outdoor arena to dove hunters. Whether it’s a political extravaganza or just a group of Bubba’s getting together for a little fun, there is no better way to start a year in the outdoors than on a bucket with some friends.
Different hunters have different traditions about how to ring in the new year. Some will hope to bribe a vote out of someone by inviting them to a barbeque and afternoon dove shoot. Others will gather as a family and go out for a day of excitement.
And a few, well, maybe more than a few, will celebrate a little too hard the night before and not quite make it to the field for opening morning. The truth is that dove hunting has always been a tradition in the Magnolia State, and this year is no exception.
Whether you are putting on a dove shoot or you are joining a few friends at their place, here are a few reminders before the season starts. The most important piece of gear that you need to remember to take with you on the hunt is your Mississippi hunting license. Without it you run the risk of paying a hefty fine and perhaps losing some of your more valuable equipment. And don’t wait until the night before to get your license because there is a chance that the store might be sold out. Also, remember to put a plug in your gun. Mississippi law allows a maximum number of three shells in a gun, and if there is a game warden around he will check it. Finally, don’t forget the daily limit for dove hunting is 15 birds. Don’t get carried away with the spirit of the wild and try to be like Ted Nugent!
It is also a good idea to have your field checked by a game warden to make sure that it is legal. Many hunters have “thought” their field was legal, but when the man in green showed up, they were not happy with the results.
As you sit on your ol’ trusty bucket on opening morning, think about what this season has in store. Whether it is deer, duck, turkey or just a fishing pole, this season is sure to be a promising one. And don’t forget to take blast of a few doves while you are there.
Important Dates:
Labor Day – Dove Season Opens
Sept. 21 – Dove Season Closes
Oct. 11 – Dove Reopens
Nov. 2 – Dove Closes
Dec. 27 – Dove Reopens
Jan. 11 – Dove Closes
Field Notes will be published weekly.
Field notes-dove hunting
Jake Fagan / The Reflector
August 30, 2003