Friday, Oct. 25* 8 a.m. Exhibit on Vision Loss and Aging at Mitchell Memorial Library, second floor. This is an exhibit of information on various aspects of vision loss and the advantages of vision rehabilitation.
* 8 a.m. Personal Enrichment Courses Fall 2002 in Room 107 Dorman Hall.
* 3 p.m. Soccer game vs. Tennessee at MSU Soccer Field.
Saturday, Oct. 26
* 8 a.m. Exhibit on Vision Loss and Aging at Mitchell Memorial Library, second floor. This is an exhibit of information on various aspects of vision loss and the advantages of vision rehabilitation.
* 10 a.m. Paint-A-Pumpkin at the Crosby Arboretum. Children all ages gather at Arboretum and bring a pumpkin. Members $3, nonmembers $4.
* 7 p.m. Entertainment: Rock Around the World Dance Party at the YMCA Building. Free and welcome to the public. Refreshments and door prizes for participants.
Sunday, Oct. 27
* 8 a.m. Exhibit on Vision Loss and Aging at Mitchell Memorial Library, second floor. This is an exhibit of information on various aspects of vision loss and the advantages of vision rehabilitation.
* 1 p.m. Soccer game vs. Georgia at MSU Soccer Field.
* 6 p.m. Concert: Black Voices of MSU Gospel Choir Fall Concert at Colvard Student Union Ballroom.
Monday, Oct. 28
* 8 a.m. Exhibit on Vision Loss and Aging at Mitchell Memorial Library, second floor. This is an exhibit of information on various aspects of vision loss and the advantages of vision rehabilitation.
* Noon Annual Forum on Turning Points in History at Colvard Union Faculty Lounge. Brown-bag lunch and panel discussion, “Reconstructing the Agrarian Past: From Oral History to Remote Sensing.
Campus Calendar
October 24, 2002