While her work force counterparts waste away in Cubicleville striving for corporate superiority, Vanessa Kay spends her on-the-clock time dancing about in her underwear to the sound of potty humor from two overgrown boys. Vanessa has perhaps the funest job this side of test-driving new Porsches on the Autobahn. She is one of the few remaining original members of “The Man Show’s” Juggy Dance Squad. Since “The Man Show” premiered on Comedy Central in 1999, the Juggies have enlightened the beer-accessorized, testosterone-dominated audience by dancing in the studio aisles in revealing yet artistic costumes while hosts Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel amuse them with their quick wits and hilarious shenanigans.
In her time on the show, Vanessa has become a crowd favorite and is often the show’s first choice for such Juggy antics as “The Wheel of Destiny” and the “Win a Date With a Juggy” sweepstakes. Her appeal has not gone unnoticed. Recently, the California blonde was crowned by Mike’s Hard Lemonade as their official spokesperson and she turned down an offer to pose nude for Playboy. Too bad for Hugh Hefner; too awesome for us!
I’m proud to admit that I love watching “The Man Show,” so you can imagine my delight when I was granted an interview with her via cell phone from her southern California hacienda.
Off the record, I have to say that Vanessa was probably the funniest interview I’ve ever had and her success and ambition could change some people’s attitudes about female athletes.
On the record…
The Reflector: Aside from using your talents, what made you want to go into modeling and acting?
Vanessa: My father was a photographer, and I got really comfortable in front of the camera, and I liked it a lot. I did one little audition, and my agent sent me out on a couple other ones, and I just kind of fell into it, and I’ve loved it ever since.
The Reflector: Some people say “The Man Show” is degrading to women, but since you’re on the show, do you have a different view on it? Is it all in good fun?
Vanessa: It’s all in great fun. When girls come up to me and tell me it’s degrading and it’s not womanly, I tell them “You know what? Sit back, have a drink, watch it; you’ll like it. A couple shots and you’ll be just fine.” (laughs)
The Reflector: Why does it seem like every time they need a Juggy for one of their little antics, they always pick you?
Vanessa: I don’t know, why do you think that is?
The Reflector: Because you have the most fun doing it?
Vanessa: Probably. (laughs) We did one for the fourth season where they had me doing a hidden camera thing where I would get guys to buy me things. I actually got a guy to buy something for me, and I had another guy steal for me, and then another guy bought me almost $300 worth of stuff. (laughs) It was pretty fun. I like to have fun, and like you said, that’s the reason they use me a lot. It’s all fun and games, and I always say yes.
The Reflector: Are there any other antics we can look forward to this season?
Vanessa: Have you seen “The Osbournes?” We have this skit called “The Juggbournes” and I have to say that’s my favorite one yet because it’s edited so amazingly and it looks just like “The Osbournes” with the still-frames and the cartoon and everything.
The Reflector: Have they ever asked you to do anything you didn’t want to do?
Vanessa: Actually, there was this one part I kind of didn’t want to do, and I was hating it the whole time I was there. They were doing a skit, “Women in Sports” and I was a woman who swam the canal. They put me in this pond that was filled with ducks and turtles and fish and every time I stepped, my foot would go about a foot into this duck crap and it smelled so bad. I had to go up to my shoulders in it and then get out to make it look like I just swam the canal, so it was pretty sick. (laughs) I stunk for about a day and I took five baths.
The Reflector: Do you like playing dress-up every week?
Vanessa: Oh, I love it! Three times a day, you get to try on different outfits and they all fit your body perfectly because they’re made just for you. It’s amazing!
The Reflector: Since you’ve been on “The Man Show,” have any of your ex-boyfriends been calling?
Vanessa: Yeah, it happens a lot. (laughs)
The Reflector: Now for my Maxim question of the day, what qualities do you look for in a guy?
Vanessa: They have to make me laugh, they have to have a very good personality. I’m quite fond of dark hair and light eyes. Personality always comes first, though. Then I look at eyes, butt, stuff like that.
The Reflector: How do you stay in such great shape?
Vanessa: I work out about five days a week, and in my spare time, I like to go hiking and jet skiing. I like being outside and being athletic. I think I’m just used to it from doing sports and it comes a little easier for me.
The Reflector: So, were you a big jock in high school?
Vanessa: Yes. I did cross country for four years, I did soccer for four years and I did track and field for four years. In college, I was a pole vaulter and a tri-athlete.
The Reflector: If you couldn’t be modeling or acting, what do you think you’d be doing?
Vanessa: That’s a good question. I’m sure I would have fallen into something. I like entertaining, so I’m sure I would have done something along those lines.
The Reflector: What person do you admire the most and why?
Vanessa: I’d have to say my mom. I’ve always looked up to her and even though she’s my mom, we’re like best friends, and she’s a great person.
The Reflector: I heard that Jimmy is going to be on a new talk show on ABC to take Bill Maher’s job. Is that going to affect his time on “The Man Show” at all?
Vanessa: I’m not quite sure, but I think they start up in January. He’s gonna be good at it. He’s very fast-witted, and he can think quicker than anyone I know, even a little bit quicker than Adam.
The Reflector: So, what’s your philosophy on life?
Vanessa: Just have as much fun as you can. You only live once and as long as you’re not hurting yourself or anyone else, it’s good.
The Reflector: Any plans for the future?
Vanessa: I think it would be ideal to have my own sports show where we just totally screw around with all the professional athletes and stuff like that.
The Reflector: There’s already one, it’s called “The Best Damn Sports Show Period.”
Vanessa: Oh no, see, they just do like football and basketball and stuff like that. We’d have jet skiing, skating, football, hockey, everything. We’d even have softball.
The Reflector: What is one thing our readers would be surprised to know about Adam and Jimmy?
Vanessa: They’re really down to earth. Jimmy, believe it or not, is a gentleman to the extreme. He opens doors, he picks stuff up when you drop it. The whole hard man thing is there, but he’s a gentleman also.
The Reflector: And he makes fun of his wife on the show right?
Vanessa: And he makes fun of his wife on the show. (laughs) How can you have it better, right? Get paid to make fun of your wife on national television.
Reflector: Is Adam a womanizing kind of guy?
Vanessa: No, you can tell he was a nerd in high school, and now he’s popular, and he’s just a funny person.
The Reflector: When Adam and Jimmy read those questions at the end of the show, do they have time to think of a response or do they just answer them right on the spot?
Vanessa: Just right on the spot. That’s how quick they are.
The Reflector: Is there anything you’d like to say to everyone here in Bulldog country?
Vanessa: Keep on watching the show. Give them all a big kiss for me and give them all my love.
And now…girls jumping on trampolines
Matthew Allen / Entertainment Editor
October 21, 2002