Undeniably the biggest weekend of the spring, Super Bulldog Weekend kicks off with this afternoon’s crawfish boil and baseball game. However, it is important that students and visitors alike remember the importance of the safety personal property and property during this weekend’s festivities. “Spring is my favorite time of the year,” Jay Monroe said. “Birds start singing, people start smiling, and you have Super Bulldog Week…The Maroon and White game…we’re playing Georgia and Polk is back, and then there’s FIJI Island. Still, although it’s important to have fun, it’s also important to be safe at the same time.”
To help ensure safety, Police Chief Tom Johnson and his fellow officers will be on hand throughout the weekend.
According to Johnson, the weekend for the police department has seldom experienced any problems during this weekend.
Still, Johnson says that, “It is important that every individual be judicious in caring for themselves.”
One way to do this is to follow these general safety recommendations and guidelines.
– Always secure your vehicle, be sure to place valuables out of sight, and if you are planning on
leaving your car somewhere during an evening event, park in a well-lit area.
– Carry as few valuables, whether cash or jewelry, on your person as
– If you are celebrating the weekend with a group of friends, make plans to meet at a common area in the event that you get separated.
– If you suffer from a preexisting medical condition, bring your medication and plan your outings according to your limitations.
– If the weather outside is warm, be sure to wear sunscreen and keep hydrated.
Although Johnson admits that, due to the shear number of events that occur simultaneously during this weekend, many of the MSU police officers will be
tied up, he offers the assurance that assistance will be readily available on the off chance that any problems do occur.
“As with any major university event, the police department takes a team approach to Super Bulldog weekend,” Johnson said. “A lot of departments on campus, from student health services to the Athletic Department, contribute to making sure that the weekend goes off without a hitch, and as with any event, our officers are in tune with the special problems and needs that events of this nature entail.”
“It’s really important that the MSU police department keep on its toes and prepare for any problems eventuality because the campus is going to be really crowded this weekend with all the visitors and
alumni coming down,” Beth Baldwin, junior, said.
Along with advice and assurance, Johnson also offers his best wishes to all the Super Bulldog revelers.
“I hope people have a lot of fun this weekend,” Johnson said. “Super Bulldog Weekend is a great way to promote the university to alumni and visitors alike. We all need to try and approach the weekend with the appropriate spirit, and if a problem should occur, it will be dealt with in an efficient and effective manner.
Super week bring super security
Hilary Parker
April 5, 2002