Relationships are often more pleasant than not. Obviously we wouldn’t date people that make us unhappy, unless of course we have some type of self-worth issue. The people we couple with often compliment us, help direct us and add positive feelings to our life as a whole; however, a relationship that never experiences hard times cannot be considered a true relationship.
We tend to learn more about others when we see various levels of their personalities. When we interact with others only when they’re in a pleasant, non-confrontational mood, we’re only getting to see one dimension of their character, but when we deal with them through the good times and the bad, we get the chance to know them better and therefore we are able to get closer to them.
The clich‹¨, “agree to disagree” is actually quite crucial to a healthy relationship. Through each argument that becomes settled and each fight that is resolved, you will likely find yourself growing closer to your partner.
Hardships in a relationship should be character building events, not destructive ones. Don’t let anything fool you into believing that you’re relationship isn’t worthwhile because every day isn’t one of utmost ecstasy.
Michael Robert is a sophomore studying mathematics. He can be contacted at [email protected].
Hardships can build character
Michael Robert
October 20, 2005