Student Association election candidates advanced their platforms and defended against rebuttals Wednesday night during the 2016 SA Elections Debate officiated by The Reflector in the Colvard Student Union Ballroom.
The crowd clamoured for standing space as the debate started. After a short word from unopposed Vice President candidate Hunt Walne, Mississippi State University Event Staff removed the room divider to accommodate for the large, unexpected turnout.
SA Elections Commissioner Jamie Aron said Chi Omega was the single largest group, bringing 120 members to the debate, and won $100 for being the organization with the most members in attendance.
Each candidate answered questions posed by Reflector Editor-in-Chief, Lacretia Wimbley, as well as the crowd, and had the opportunity to make rebuttals against their opponents’ answers.
The subject matter of the debate covered most aspects of MSU student life, but across all candidates ‘inclusion’ was the buzzword of the night.
Students running for Executive Council seats include Hunt Walne (unopposed) for VP, Gavin King (unopposed) for Attorney General, Elaine Vyles and Tyler McMurray for Secretary, and Katherine Nash and Ashley Brooks for Treasurer.
Current Student Association Vice President and 2016 presidential candidate Roxanne Raven speaks on maintaining an open door policy and working closely with student organizations during an election debate Wednesday evening.