Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson’s was born on May 25, 1803. In 2007, May 25 was declared “Star Wars Day.” It is a day for legends, forever marked in the history books of our hearts. And on May 25, 2011, the legend Oprah Winfrey will end the iconic television show she created.
“The Oprah Winfrey Show” ran for an epic 25 years. Though the past few weeks’ shows have only been reruns, the final original episode is promised to be a very special one. The special guest seems to be held hardcore under wraps, but who wouldn’t want to be surprised?
In my opinion, Oprah Winfrey has always inspired America, and even countless other countries. She has helped countless people, especially women who have suffered abuse. Though she might be one of the most highly paid celebrities in the world, her kindness has never seemed false to me. She takes criticism from reporters and cynics like a champ. The few episodes I have watched have literally brought tears to my eyes.
And let’s admit: Oprah is a special lady. Her smile just screams honesty and equality. Oh! And her name doesn’t even come up as misspelled in this Microsoft Word document. Hooray for no red underlines, Oprah!
Even though her show is coming to an end, her own network launched this January — OWN (The Oprah Winfrey Network) — will live on. It features awesome guest stars, “lots of hugs, makeovers and learning.”
I think it is very sad her epic run has to come to an end. Oprah always seemed to have been America’s hero, for women at least. A role model who taught us, as my friend said, that women are completely capable of doing anything men can. And don’t you forget it.
Sexism is an epidemic. Despite the fact we are no longer in the 1920s, sexism still exists and haunts some women at every corner. Oprah always made sure women knew nothing about it was right and also that violence in home situations is never okay. Something can always be done about these things, and Oprah was always happy to help.
One thing I find absolutely inspiring about Oprah are her Five Life Lessons:
1. Pursue Your Passion. This means following your heart can lead you where you want to be. I also believe if you’re where you’re meant to be, you will know it. Regardless of what you are getting paid, your dream is worth it.
2. Failure Can Be a Gift. It is true you learn lessons when you fail. And if you’re lucky enough, you learn from your mistakes. Life is a blessing, and it comes with many highs and lows. If there is one thing I remember from a certain sermon, “You have to have faith in the bad times but also in the good times.” I believe strongly that you have to appreciate life and be thankful at all times.
3. Listen to Your Spirit. This one explains itself.
4. Respect Your Body. I take this as treating yourself like you’re supposed to be treated. You cannot expect people to treat you correctly if you don’t treat yourself correctly.
5. Gratitude is Essential. I suppose the sermon works for this one as well. Be thankful in the good times as well as the bad times. If you do not show gratitude for everything you earn, I believe you won’t truly understand what you have.
Oprah’s magazine, O: The Oprah Magazine, features a multitude of quotes from the icon, as well as more life lessons to learn.
Whether it is a day for poets, Star Wars nerds or the fans of a legend, Oprah continues to inspire women and everyone everywhere, even if her show will no longer run original episodes. Don’t worry, everyone, reruns are lifesavers.
Becca Horton is a freshman majoring in communication. She can be contacted at [email protected].
Oprah leaves iconic television show
Becca Horton
March 28, 2011
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