Dear Editor,
Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln are turning in their graves. For that matter, so is General Dwight D. Eisenhower. The G.O.P., which produced the likes of such towering figures, once strove to embody and abide by the principles worthy of the name. “Republicanism,” which represented the interests of the people against the aristocratic Whig oligarchs, who would strive for progressive social change through the noble principles of conservatism (resistance to radical ideology), compromise and consensus for the common good, as enshrined in the very principles of deliberative due process in the very U.S. Constitution itself.
I am glad my father is no longer alive to witness this cataclysm today. My father, in the racist 1950s South, voted Republican—for they were the party that stood for the values of integration and civil rights for the common good. What do we see today? Cynical plutocrats who have created and sustained this psychopathic imbecile Trump—the present occupant of the Oval Office. My father, a West Point graduate, was also an officer in the U.S. military.
If a character like Trump, heaven forbid, would have ever held a position of leadership in the Armed Forces, he would have been immediately removed and undoubtedly court marshaled. Trump is as impulsively dangerous as he is incompetent. He barricades himself in his delusions and takes his marching orders from the likes of Sean Hannity.
With the exception of a few courageous voices from the Right (i.e. Sen. Mitt Romney, Evangelical Pastor Chuck Baldwin, and Conservative columnist and scholar Max Boot) the Party of Trump (they no longer deserve to be called “Republicans”) have been deafeningly silent, if not outright supportive, of this unprecedentedly dangerous and destructive administration.
It is time for Americans with brains and a conscience to stand up and disavow this insanity–if they really care about the future of their children, the integrity of our institutions, and the survival of our biosphere. It is time for Americans to condemn the lies and race-baiting hate-mongering of this tyrant, who would label Central American refugees as “Middle Eastern terrorists,” “criminals,” “animals” and rile up the dangerous concentration of militias armed to the teeth ready to fire at anyone at will.
It is time to restore the Executive Branch with competent leadership, capable of sustained and consistent agreement. And most of all, restore the presidency with someone who does not vainly presume himself to an infallible autocrat, an impulsive slave to his own vanity, petty whims and Twitter tantrums.
Our country, and the rest of the world, cannot endure much longer this toxic train wreck at warp speed, of which we are all passengers.
Republicans must stand up and dump Trump
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