Monday, Feb. 18, 2019
Student reported being harassed by her ex-boyfriend.
Student reported being harassed by her former friends.
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2019
Student reported losing her ring at an unknown location.
Student reported his vehicle was damaged while parked in E9 parking lot.
Student reported a disturbance with a non-resident/visitor at the Sanderson Center.
Student was issued a post-arrest citation and referral in Critz Hall for possession of paraphernalia and possession of a fake ID.
Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2019
Non-resident/visitor reported a reckless driver on Stone Boulevard.
Notable Traffic Citations
Justice Court citation issued on Creelman Street for an expired tag.
Three MSU citations were issued for speeding, the worst of which was 45/20 on College View Street.
Bad Dawgs Feb. 18 – Feb 21
February 21, 2019
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