I have grown used to seeing Lady Gaga’s usual elaborate and crazy outfits, and I honestly don’t mind them. She is a grown woman with rights and freedoms to express herself, whether that is through bubble dresses or a glittery lobster. But after seeing her choice of wardrobe at the 2010 VMA awards, I was literally sick to my stomach.
The controversial pop sensation wore a dress carefully crafted out of about 50 pounds of meat — real, raw, animal meat. To match the dress, she had a clutch, a head piece and shoes all made out of meat. I have finally gotten to the point where I am able to handle raw meat while cooking without cringing. The thought of wearing a dress made out of raw meat makes me queasy.
What really astounds me is Lady Gaga’s reasoning behind the dress. She was quoted, “Well, it is certainly no disrespect to anyone that is vegan or vegetarian. As you know, I am the most judgment-free human being on the earth. However, it has many interpretations. For me this evening, if we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don’t fight for our rights, pretty soon, we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones. And I am not a piece of meat.”
First of all, I can’t think of a better way to be disrespectful to a vegan or vegetarian than to parade around in a dress carved out of dead animal flesh. Her vegan and vegetarian fans were probably more hurt than offended.
Secondly, although maybe I’m just flummoxed by Lady Gaga’s deep philosophical insights or too simple to understand them, what on earth is she talking about? What does she believe in that requires her to dress up in raw meat?
I have a simple solution to Lady Gaga’s statement about being a piece of meat. If she refrains from dressing in a cheap, half-naked manner, and if she would lay off the vulgar dancing and gestures (I turned off the television when I saw the video for “Alejandro”), she wouldn’t have to worry about being viewed as piece of meat. Because, Lady Gaga, when you dress and act like you’re just a piece of meat, you are seen as one.
I think Lady Gaga is so caught up in being a jaw-dropping, risqué, shocking, edgy and talked-about sensation that she doesn’t know what she’s “standing up” for.
Actually, it isn’t even about standing up for anything. She knew that dressing up in raw meat would make her the spotlight of the night at the VMAs and would have her talked about for weeks afterwards. It did just that.
Lady Gaga is weird and offensive, but I will still turn up “Bad Romance” as loud as my car will play when it comes on the radio. Maybe if Lady Gaga were a little classier, I’d consider myself a fan instead of dubbing her as a guilty pleasure.
Mary Chase Breedlove is a sophomore majoring in communication. She can be contacted at [email protected].
Lady Gaga shocks all, but with little class
Mary Chase Breedlove
September 26, 2010
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