Tuesday, March 10
• Midnight A student was arrested on Kirk Caulby Drive for aggravated assault.
• 10:32 a.m. An employee reported items missing from the Colvard Student Union while conducting inventory.
• 11:15 a.m. A student was arrested and issued a student referral at the intersection of New Access Road and Coliseum Boulevard for speeding, having no proof of insurance and driving with a suspended license.
• 11:26 a.m. An employee reported items missing from the Hill Poultry Science building while conducting inventory.
• 5:02 p.m. An employee at Herbert Hall reported receiving a harassing phone call.
• 11:08 p.m. An employee reported seeing someone at the YMCA Building climbing up the wall to the building’s roof.
Wednesday, March 11
• 8:38 a.m. An employee reported finding a bike at the Institute for Clean Energy Technology.
• 8:52 a.m. MSU police were dispatched to Hathorn Hall in reference to a disturbance.
• 8:52 a.m. A student from Hathorn Hall was transported by ambulance to the Oktibbeha County Hospital after appearing to be under the influence of alcohol.