Mississippi State is considering giving cheaters an “XF” on their transcripts. If MSU implements this idea, our grade for the administration will be an “A.”
The idea is simple and effective. Students who fail because of academic dishonesty will receive an “XF” instead of an “F.” The “XF” will give all schools crucial information: the student in question has cheated and may not be trustworthy.
Therefore, the grade not only describes a student’s academic performance. It also shows the student’s character, a factor just as important as academic skill.
Another positive step would be to require students to take an ethics class if they receive an “XF.” Although we believe the student should be punished accordingly, he or she should be educated to behave in a better way.
Furthermore, supporting this idea will improve MSU’s reputation as a university. President Robert “Doc” Foglesong has talked about increasing MSU’s image, and instilling accountability is a great way to do that.
Even though the threat of an “XF” may deter a few people, we don’t believe it will be a major deterrent. People will steal cheat because everyone is not rational, and many cheat because they don’t believe they will be caught. However, this fact doesn’t make the idea less favorable.
Finally, not many universities have implemented the “XF” grade. If MSU started using this, we would be more ahead of the game.
The Reflector editorial board is made up of opinion editor Jed Pressgrove, news editor C.J. LeMaster, entertainment editor Aaron Burdette, sports editor R.J. Morgan, online editor Sara McAdory, managing editor Ross Dellenger and editor in chief Tyler Stewart.
XF: New grade will enhance image
Editorial board
September 1, 2006