MSU, you can be very proud of your football team and the coaching staff! The Bulldogs made an awesome showing in Athens against Georgia on Oct. 21. Living so far from my hometown of Starkville, I rarely see my beloved MSU play; however, this infrequency allows me to witness great change between games. Coach Croom and his staff are molding a more cohesive, disciplined and stronger team than I have seen in years! On that Saturday, the players never quit!
Although I did not see the Oct. 28 game against Kentucky, I read that the Bulldogs came back to within three points and played well. Again, the team worked together until the final moments.
Upon joining MSU, Coach Croom knew he would inherit a punishment he did not earn (NCAA probation), but had the character to accept the challenge. With the lifting of this probation, Coach Croom and his staff can bring MSU to a more level playing field with other SEC teams in perhaps the fiercest conference in college football. But building from a deficit takes time.
I challenge the University to support MSU football in every way-attend every possible game, buy an extra ticket and take a kid with you, donate to MSU’s athletic fund and promote the Bulldogs with your speech. Belittling the team or coaching staff serves no constructive purpose, and I doubt any of us arm chair quarterbacks could do better; conversely, praise can go a long way toward promoting a positive end.
Finally, during the Oct. 21 game, Georgia fans booed one of their own players off the field for a less-than-perfect play. We all should remember that student athletes are generally in school to get an education-that they are working hard and doing their best. They do not get paid to entertain us, and they are not professional ball players. We can afford to cut them some slack, and should be there to support them. Coach Croom, my prayers are with you and the fine team you and your staff are building! Keep up the great work!
Croom building a better team
Jeanne Finley
November 3, 2006