It’s that time of year again. Summer is just around the corner, and that means a much-needed vacation from school is on its way. While this can be good news for your exhausted brain, it might be rather unfortunate for your romance-captivated heart.
A few short days after finals, everyone will scatter to the homes where they grew up or relaxing vacation spots, to relish the fact that school is just something to worry about a few months in the future. Students will bid farewell to their professors, friends will say their goodbyes and lovers will be forced to release one another from one final embrace.
For some students, summer vacation translates into summer separation. Instead of going out with your partner several times a week, you’ll be forced to survive on phone calls and text messages. You can’t run to him or her whenever you want because distance forbids it. When desire strikes, you’ll have no other choice but to call and hope for an answer.
Don’t let this get you down. Everyone knows that summer seems like the fastest season. One day we’re celebrating the end of finals, and the next we’re waiting in long lines at the bookstore, even if being separated from your significant other may seem to stretch time a little.
Take a positive look at the situation. You can use the separation as an excuse to take a vacation. If your partner has relocated to somewhere entertaining, spending a week together may bring more excitement to your summer than you would have had otherwise. Whether your special someone is spending his or her summer in Madrid, Chicago or Itta Bena, your trip to visit can definitely be a worthwhile vacation.
With the end of the semester looming, it’s important that you don’t spend the remaining weeks fearing the end. The end of the semester is inevitable. It comes every year about this time, and you can’t expect this year to be different. However, keep in mind that these last days could be the last you spend together until August. Wouldn’t you rather make the best of the time left than be depressed about it?
Although you may not be able to imagine anything worse right now than a two-month separation from the most important person in your life, it’s not the end of the world. If your relationship is strong enough, it will survive the separation, and if it’s not, then you probably shouldn’t be in the relationship to begin with.
When the summer’s over, you’ll be back in one another’s arms, and everything will be as it should be.
Some say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I can’t verify this statement for you, but I think it’s worth trying to prove. If it’s not true, at least you’ll still have the same relationship in August that you had in May. And if it turns out to be true, then you’ll have quite the magical August waiting for you.
Distance can bring hearts closer
Michael Robert
April 27, 2006