As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, thoughts of final projects, last minute studying and upcoming final examinations are far from the minds of some Mississippi State students. With friends and family in town for the holiday and the annual Egg Bowl, the break will be filled with activities for many students.
For philosophy senior Robin Levens of Katy, Texas, the 10 hour drive home is approaching quickly.
“I’m going home to Texas for Thanksgiving, where I will watch the Egg Bowl with my family,” Levens said.
For MSU senior Kristen Mills, the Thanksgiving holiday will also be spent with family.
“I’m going to have Thanksgiving lunch in Jackson at my uncle’s house,” Mills said. “After we eat, my father and I will be coming back to Starkville for the Egg Bowl.”
For some students, however, the holiday just isn’t long enough.
With many schools receiving an entire week off for Thanksgiving, some students feel MSU’s two-day break doesn’t leave enough time for recuperation.
“I wish we could have a week off for Thanksgiving, but that would force teachers to assign more work due right after the break,” Mills said.
Other students also said they believe there would be concessions to an extended holiday.
“I think the break is fine as it is,” Levens said. “Teachers are already straining to get everything in.”
The length of the Thanksgiving break, however, has not stopped some students from planning to spend time with family at home and time here at Starkville for the Ole Miss game.
“I’m going to my wife’s grandmother’s house,” marketing senior Curtis Robertson said. “We will eat turkey and then watch football. Then, we’ll come back to Starkville and watch the Bulldogs.”
Robertson said he is a proponent of an extended break.
“For people living far away or having to visit many places, the university should really consider closing by at least Wednesday,” Robertson said. “After turning in major projects and taking big tests, the students really need more than a two-day break to get ready for upcoming finals.”
“I’m very much in favor of a longer break,” junior Jerry McMahan said. “I could use it, considering how long we go in the fall semester without any break from classes. “I’m planning to spend my Thanksgiving break in Huntsville, Ala.,” McMahan said. “I’m staying with a friend of mine, Doug Beard, and his family and eating as much of their food as possible.”
For computer science senior Michael Rutledge, it will be an hour and a half trek back to Meridian for the holiday.
“My plans are to go home and spend time with my family. We’ll go to my aunt’s house to eat Thanksgiving dinner,” Rutledge said.
Regardless of their plans, most students will be with friends, family and the Bulldogs this weekend, even if it means watching the game on television.
Plans for the holiday
Daniel Bercaw
November 20, 2001