For the 2001 Christmas Break, residence halls will close their doors on Dec.15 at 10 a.m. and reopen on Jan. 2 at 3 p.m. Access cards allowing students to enter their residence halls will not work after the dorms close because the number of available rooms is limited. Students who plan to stay on campus over the Christmas holiday are advised to reserve break housing as soon as possible by signing up in the Herbert Hall main office. “The fee for overnight housing is $10 per night for 18 days. The $180 fee is charged to student accounts.
All freshmen that stay over the Christmas break will be placed in Herbert Hall. Due to renovations being made over the Christmas break, students who live in Suttle, Hamlin and Smith halls should register as soon as possible because they may live in a suite or on a hallway where renovations are scheduled to be made,” said Marnie Volkenant-Meurer, assistant director of housing. “After 10 a.m. on Dec. 15, all residence halls will be completely closed to students on campus to protect student’s property, but students are encouraged to take their valuable possessions home over the Christmas break as an extra precaution.
“Students choosing to stay over the Christmas break will most likely reside in their own hall, unless there are renovations planned for the hall that they live on, in which case they will be moved to rooms over in Herbert Hall,” Volkenant-Meurer said. “Students living in on-campus apartments, Arbor Acres Apartments. University Drive and Aiken Village may stay in their apartments without being charged for break housing.
MSU closes for holidays
Derrick Thomas
November 30, 2001