This summer’s Orientation was the “largest Orientation in the history of the university” Jimmy Abraham, associate dean of College and Student Relations, said.
Attendance was “up in all categories with the exception of freshman students, which was the second largest attendance in the history of the university.” This year’s Orientation was one of the most successful yet.
There were five Orientation sessions scheduled for this summer. Two one-day sessions on June 9 and June 23 for transfer students and three two- day sessions on June 10, June 15 and June 25. 2,336 students and 1,501 parents attended the summer Orientation sessions, and another 251 students and 77 parents attended the fall session.
Melanie Munn, one of 18 small group leaders for the orientation, said this summer’s Orientation was “wonderful,” “real organized” and that the “parents and students really enjoyed it.”
Abraham said, “Overall the program went very well thanks to the support of so many people at the University.”
Orientation began with an opening session attended by university administrators. Then the new students are shown a film and divided into small groups with a student Orientation leader. The small group leaders tell the freshmen about organizations on campus, how to register for classes, about college classes and about the places on campus.
The registrar then talks to them, and the students meet with their deans and academic advisors to decide a schedule. After they register for classes, they are free until 7 p.m., when a dinner and dance are held in the Colvard Student Union ballroom. While the new students are occupied, their parents go through their own Orientation.
Dean of Student Affairs Roy Ruby talks to the parents, and they are shown a film on alcohol and drug use on campus. Then, each parent meets with his or her child’s dean. Sunday afternoon the parents meet with the small group leaders for a question-and-answer session before they are given campus tour of campus.
They end their experience with the chance to buy Mississippi State cheese and meet MSU President Donald Zacharias.
Abraham said he is already planning next year’s Orientation. He will begin accepting applications for student assistants in a few weeks. Orientation posters and advertisements will soon be placed around campus. Students interested in applying can go by Abraham’s office in 102 Lee Hall.