YouTube is sweeping the nation with some top-notch videos this fall.
First, there is Taylor Swift’s “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” which shows yet again her girl power style of bashing those ex-boyfriends, who seem to have done everything wrong. This artistic video complements Taylor’s older look and the song could probably go on to stand with the rest of her break-up anthems including “Picture to Burn” and “Should Have Said No.”
“Felix Baumgartner’s Supersonic Freefall” will give viewers the chills, as the man is shot into outer space and free falls back down to earth. In doing this, he breaks a world record. The video is worth a click.
Samsung Galaxy S3 and the iPhone 5 have been the talk of the technological world with clever advertisements that have resulted in a duel between the two companies’ marketing departments. The “iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S3 Drop Test” video is sure to raise curiosity among the American public, who are trying to decide which phone they cannot live without.
“First World Problems” by Nigahiga pokes fun at this generation’s habit of posting #firstworldproblems on social media sites for petty issues. An example of a first world problem is when the remote control is all the way across the room from the man sitting on the couch who wants to watch TV. Viewers cannot help but get a chuckle out of this one.
October is national anti-bullying month and “Amanda Todd’s Story: Struggling, Bullying, Suicide, Self harm” is an earth shattering video about a girl who was bullied and the results were devastating. This video’s purpose is to raise awareness about bullying, especially cyber bullying. It has received quite a lot of views. On Oct. 21 the number was already up to 11,202,351 view.
As surprising as it may be, the Ohio State Marching Band does deserve that second place spot. Their flawless formations depict scenes from video games including Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Halo, Pacman and Tetris. The impressive halftime entertainment had received 13,499,086 views on Sunday, and at the 6:00 mark the band members form a horse that “gallops” across the field. This draw-dropping feature makes this band stand out from the other college level musicians.
Finally “Gangnam style,” which had 518,368,080 views on Sunday, has taken center stage of the pop culture world. This South Korean singer, Psy, made this video’s bright colors and strange dance moves convey a sense of constant dancing and high energy. The dancers never stop moving and the words are indecipherable to the American ear, other than the phrase “Gangnam style” and “hey, sexy lady.” This video contains explosions, horses, group dance numbers and crazy outfits.
YouTube offers laughs, gasps
October 28, 2012
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