Mississippi State University’s Intelligent, Dignified, Elegant, Ambitious Leaders (I.D.E.A.L. Woman) and Miss Riverland 2014 Jasmine Murray will join forces in co-sponsoring a “Princess Tea Party” in the Foster Ballroom of the Colvard Student Union at 3 p.m. on Sunday.
Jasmine Murray, Miss MSU 2012 and Miss Riverland 2014, said the “Princess Tea Party” is an event that incorporates her platform of “13 going on 30” and is a source to support the Children’s Miracle Network.
“‘13 going on 30’ is geared toward girls in the community by helping them understand the importance of not growing up too fast or making adult decisions before they have to,” Murray said. “This theme matches perfectly with the tea party.”
Murray said the tea party is a fantastic way to raise funds for the Children’s Miracle Network and have an amazing time in the process.
“Incorporating my platform with this is going to be amazing because the girls will get to see age appropriate attire during a fashion show and hear from an incredible speaker while helping out a very worthy cause,” Murray said. “Having girls in the community come to this tea party helps them learn about both of these platforms while having fun.”
The tea party will feature WCBI’s Aundrea Self as mistress of ceremony and Amy Tuck, the former lieutenant governor, as guest speaker. There is a $5 admission fee.
Murray said she hopes all who come and participate will gain a sense of the Children’s Miracle Network’s mission and the significance of their contributions to it.
“I have had the opportunity to visit places like Blair E. Batson Hospital and LeBonhuer Children’s Hospital, and I have come to realize the urgency needed to help provide care for children that are in need,” Murray said. “Someone out there needs our help, and just $5 can go a long way.”
Toria Carter, outreach coordinator for the I.D.E.A.L. Woman, said she is proud to co-sponsor with Murray to raise money and help support Murray’s platform.
“This program will help little girls preserve their youth and understand not to grow up too fast. It also allows us to present our ideals about education and understanding professionalism,” Carter said. “Combining our ideals and supporting Jasmine’s platform is great to put together when it comes to inspiring young girls and having a chance to make a positive difference.”
Bianca Tatum, president of I.D.E.A.L. Woman, said the program will include tea cakes and tea, along with performances by Models of Distinction and members of I.D.E.A.L. Woman.
“I’ll be speaking during the program, discussing things that will benefit the social and mental growth of young girls as well,” Tatum said. “We are reaching out to girls that may not have it all, and I want them to know that we care and there are people out here who will help them reach their journey.”
Murray said this is her second tea party, the first was in April 2013, and girls of all ages are invited to attend.
“You are never too young to start learning,” Murray said. “I want our community of girls to also understand that ‘13 going on 30’ was created to help them be the best they can be. My platform stresses the importance of being age appropriate as a young lady and really enjoying your time as a teen and preteen.”
Tea party benefits children’s hospitals
Lacretia Wimbley
January 31, 2014
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