Members of The Reflector staff came together to compile this list of suggestions for 50 things Mississippi State University
students should or should not do to give everyone the best possible university experience.
1. Read The Reflector.
2. Go to class, or at least try.
3. Learn early to manage
your time wisely.
4. Pay attention to advising
times. You’ll regret it if you
5. Make sure you’ve paid
tuition, fees and parking tickets
before it’s time to register
for classes.
6. Learn. You’re not getting a
degree in test taking.
7. Don’t be afraid to find out
what’s on the test either. You
do have to pass.
8. Think before you speak.
9. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
10. Don’t be “That Guy” or
“That Girl.”
11. Don’t bother your teachers
if you see them outside
12. Don’t rush to choose a
major, and if you do, don’t be
afraid to change it no matter
13. If you think your teacher
is being unfair, ask them about
it. If that doesn’t work, ask
their supervisor.
14. Take advantage of office
hours; teachers have to be
there anyway.
15. Always think ahead about
16. Be friendly to other students,
and find a buddy. He
or she may be able to help you
17. Social network – you never
know who could help you get a
job later.
18. Don’t be rude to your teachers,
they’re the ones who record
your grades.
19. Don’t go to class if you’re
sick. There’s a health center on
campus – use it.
20. Bathe. No excuses.
21. When someone famous
comes to speak, go. You probably
won’t regret it.
22. Don’t throw away your
notes after you finish a class.
You’re paying too much money
to throw away information
you’re probably going to forget.
23. Don’t be afraid to join
clubs; that’s where like-minded
people are going to be.
24. If you know you’re going to
sleep in class, don’t go.
25. Go to the library . at least
26. Unless it’s exam week,
don’t wear pajamas to class.
27. Go to a football/basketball/
soccer/volleyball game. Cheer
for the team. You may feel stupid
doing it, but the people who
don’t will always look more stupid.
28. Every semester there are
free concerts. Go to some of
them – you may hear something
you like.
29. Explore buildings. They’re
kind of yours, but locked doors
are off limits.
30. Play Frisbee; this is college.
31. There are always free samples;
ask if you can take two.
32. Free T-shirt events are
always popular. Get there
33. Learn to appreciate and
love sleep. Find a good place to
nap on campus.
34. Don’t park your car anywhere
– the university will find
a way to give you a ticket no
matter what. Walking/biking is
better for you anyway.
35. Try intramural sports.
Even if you lose, you’ll have a
good time.
36. The gym is free, so go.
You’re going to have to pay to
go for the rest of your life.
37. Purchase a cowbell – you’ll
wish you’d bought the bigger
38. Don’t show up to class
sloppy drunk.
39. Use protection. You could
be late for more than just class.
40. Use the crosswalks. Just
because drivers are supposed
to yield to pedestrians doesn’t
mean they will.
41. Invest in an umbrella, rain
boots and rain jacket. Book
stores won’t buy back waterdamaged
books, so protect that
42. Always keep a backup of all
of your assignments. Teachers
will not be sympathetic when
you lose your USB drive.
43. Respect your roommate(s).
Remember, you both live
44. If you live in the dorm, get
to know your RA and remember
they have a job to do –
make sure they do it.
45. Don’t expect to have a conference
with your teacher via
46. If you’re going to have
sex in your shared room, make
sure your roommate isn’t there
and isn’t coming back soon.
Consider buying a “Do Not
Disturb” sign.
47. Get a ride or call a cab. $5
is a much better deal than an
accident or arrest.
48. Learn to drink coffee – it’s
much better for you than soda
or energy drinks.
49. Take lots of pictures, but
don’t post the inappropriate
ones online. Your grandmother
and your future employers will
see them.
50. Have fun – you only get to
stay in college for so long.
50 things every MSU student should or should not do
Staff Reports
November 24, 2009
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