Thursday, Jan. 17, 2019
Officer responded to a traffic accident on Stone Boulevard. Student was taken to OCH for suspicions of driving under the influence, but was later released.
Employee reported missing inventory at Thompson Hall.
Friday, Jan. 18, 2019
Student reported a bag missing from her room in Rice Hall.
Officer confiscated a car tag from a student on Hail State Boulevard that belonged to another vehicle.
Saturday, Jan. 19, 2019
Non-resident/visitor arrested for shoplifting in Barnes and Noble and possession of marijuana.
Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019
Employee arrested in Starkville for simple assault.
Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019
Aramark employee transported to OCH from Moe’s Southwest Grill for medical assistance.
Student reported his vehicle was sprayed with silly string while parked in E9 parking lot.
Student arrested on Stone Boulevard for failing to yield, improper equipment and lack of insurance. Justice Court citations were issued.
Notable Traffic Citations
Nineteen MSU citations issued for speeding, the most notable of which was 61/30 on Lee Boulevard.
Four Justice Court citations issued for speeding, the most notable of which was 75/45 on Poorhouse Road.
Two MSU citations were issued for disregarding a traffic device on Stone Boulevard.
Two MSU citations were issued for disregarding a traffic device on Clyde Q. Sheely.
Bad Dawgs Jan. 17 – 22
January 24, 2019