Monday, Jan. 14, 2019
Employee reported missing inventory at Colvard Student Union.
Student reported a vehicle following and harassing her while driving on Blackjack Road.
Officer assisted Starkville Police Department for a medical assist off campus. Student transported to OCH.
Student issued an arrest citation and referral for possession marijuana in Sessums.
Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019
Student reported being harassed by another student.
Non-resident/visitor drove through the president’s yard causing damages.
Officer assisted SPD with warrants on a resident of city/county on Blackjack Road. Justice Court citation was issued for a suspended driver’s license, no insurance and improper equipment.
Student arrested on College View Street for driving with suspended driver’s license. Justice Court citation issued.
Employee reported missing inventory at Hand Chemical Lab.
Resident of city/county arrested on Blackjack Road for improper equipment and suspended driver’s license. Justice Court citations were issued.
Traffic Citations Report
Five MSU citations were issued for speeding, the worst of which was 61/30 on Lee Boulevard.
Two MSU citations were issued for disregarding traffic devices on Stone Boulevard.
Bad Dawgs Jan. 14-17
January 17, 2019
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