Friday, April 5, 2019
Student reported a broken plexiglass door on The Reflector newspaper stand in front of Oak Hall.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Student issued a post-arrest citation on Hwy 182 for possession of marijuana and a Justice Court citation for speeding 46/30. A referral was issued.
Student arrested on East Lee Boulevard for disregarding a traffic device and DUI. Justice Court citations were issued.
Student arrested on Bailey Howell for disregarding a traffic device and having a suspended drivers license. Justice Court citations were issued.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Subject transported to OCH by ambulance.
Student issued a referral for possession of paraphernalia in motor vehicle while parked in E10 parking lot.
Notable Traffic Citations:
Five MSU citations were issued for speeding, the most notable of which was 71/45 on Hail State Boulevard.
Justice Court citation issued on Walker Road for lack of insurance.
Bad Dawgs April 5 – April 8
April 8, 2019
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