“We are all American, that’s it,” Stacey Dash, Fox news correspondent said when discussing the lack of African Americans in the 2016 Oscars nominations, according to Vibe.com.
No, Stacey Dash, I do not think you get it. We are not just all Americans. I do not know what you see when you look in the mirror but I can tell you what I see. I see black skin that represents a strong, fascinating culture and history.
You want us to stop hosting the BET Awards and honoring Black History Month. You want us to forget about all those years of fighting, dying and mistreatment. I don’t think I heard that one correctly because if I did I would question your understanding of heritage and where you came from.
According to Vibe.com, Dash said, “I think it’s ludicrous. We have to make up our minds; either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don’t want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards, and the [NAACP] Image Awards, where you’re only awarded if you’re black. If it were the other way around, we would be up in arms. It’s a double standard […] Just like there shouldn’t be a Black History Month. We’re American, that’s it.”
Let’s go back and talk about this getting rid of Black History Month. This one right here takes the cake.
In her sit down to talk about the Oscars Dash says we need to get rid of Black History Month because there is not a White History Month. Well, I really do not know if Dash has ever picked up a history book because it is apparent there is not a need for a White History Month. Has she noticed that up until 2008 all our presidents have been Caucasian? I know Dash played in the movie “Clueless,” but when did she become it?
I do not think Stacey Dash was really thinking about how she got her start. How could she bash the same people that help edAfrican Americans get to where they are now?
Because of this ludicrous statement, she even has little kids responding to her nonsense. These little kids have to remind her that we need Black History Month. Even these kids seem to think she has lost her marbles. African American children have responded to the statement of Miss Dash with a video explaining the significance of Black History Month. According to the one-minute video sponsored by the ‘Because Them We Can’ Campaign by photographer Eunique Jones Gibson on HuffPost Black Voices, the kids are saying we are not canceling anything. The kids want to know if canceling Black History Month is even legal. Their responses were “Does Carter G. Woodson know about this?” They said Black History Month is our time to acknowledge our strengths, accomplishments and contributions. It is a time to talk about our beauty and our amazing history. Black History did not begin with slavery and it is not about negativity and stereotypes. We are not canceling anything. So you have to rock with us for 29 days.
With that being said, I want to know can you understand the necessity of it now? With so much negativity out there about the African American community, can you now comprehend why we need a month to educate people?
I also have another question for Dash. If we were to cancel networks like BET, where would I go to find people like me accomplishing their dreams and showing me that I can too? Do you have the answer for me, Stacey? Of course African Americans are everywhere and on every network but the big question is: Is there enough to fairly represent the African American community? We do not oppose integration by the least. That is our main goal and always has been. What she fails to understand is that until that day comes we will not stop recognizing our own as being great. We started this platform for a reason to be recognized and recognized fairly not just because of our skin but because of our talents.
I am not saying Stacey Dash is the enemy by any means. I just think that next time she needs to think about her words and know they have impact. She is a celebrity and all celebrities have some type of influence whether they know it or not. I want Stacey Dash to realize that just because you stand for one thing does not mean you have to be against the other.
Being for Black History Month does not make me against integration by any means. I want her to realize those platforms she so heavily thinks we need to get rid of help careers get started and recognize excellence where others fail to see. Being pro- black does not mean anti anything. It just means we are proud and want to recognize it. I want her to take responsibility for her statement and make clarification as to what she is really saying. To an audience, it appears as if she does not like her culture and heritage and if that is not the case, we need some understanding as to why she would want us to stop celebrating something powerful and positive that keeps inspiring change and helps our African American community.