Nine years ago, here in Mississippi, I met John Kasich. We were both traveling on business. I was the main anchor for The Golf Channel covering the U.S. Women’s Amateur at Old Waverly, and he was speaking in Columbus, Mississippi. We sat across from one another on a Delta flight to Atlanta. Somehow he recognized who I was, and spent much time asking me about the television industry and golf, both of which we enjoy. At the time, the former Congressman had his own show on FOXNews. Surprisingly, while waiting for my bag on the tarmac, John walked over and handed me his business card and very sincerely asked me to call him if he could ever do anything to help me. Now, I would like to help Governor Kasich.
America needs John Kasich’s help. He is intelligent, real, and true. Our shared ties of growing up in Pittsburgh and also living in Ohio have allowed me to follow his career, especially his great success as Governor.
John Kasich is the only candidate to stand on the stage that is a true and proven leader. Governor Kasich’s plan to get America back on track is clear. He is accomplished and has the experience we so very much need. In Ohio, he turned an $8 billon dollar deficit – the largest in state history – into a $2 billion dollar surplus; plus cut taxes by $5 billion. When Ohio was ranked almost 48th in job creation, turned it around and created more than 400,000 private sector jobs, and now unemployment is the lowest it’s been since 2001; and he is helping the working poor out of poverty. Additionally, he is the only candidate that has actually balanced the federal budget. To combat our awful $19 trillion national debt he plans to balance the budget in 8 years.
There is no shade that follows John Kasich. He refuses to engage in the negative circus-like show that so greatly surrounds other candidates the majority of time. Governor Kasich focuses on real solutions, to ensure our country grows stronger, not weaker. John Kasich is about bringing people together, not dividing us. He is about lifting all of us, and not tearing others down. For as great a leader and success that John Kasich is, he is an even finer man, wanting to help all Americans.
I would kindly ask you to help support Governor John Kasich for President of the United States.
Megan West Mullen is a network television host, and the wife of Mississippi State University Head Football Coach, Dan Mullen.