Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018
Student reported to OCH from the Junction for medical assistance.
Employee reported a camera missing during a self-audit at Giles Architecture.
Student reported his wallet stolen from the Sanderson Center.
Friday, Nov. 16, 2018
Student issued a referral for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia in Sessums Hall.
Student arrest on Fraternity Row for DUI. Referrals issued to two other students for minors in possession of alcohol.
Sunday, Nov. 18, 2018
Student was issued citation on University Drive in Starkville for possession of fake I.D.
Monday, Nov. 19, 2018
Student reported bicycle stolen from Deavenport Hall bike rack.
Employee reported the Barnes and Noble booth under Davis Wade Stadium was burglarized.
Resident of city/county reported his vehicle was burglarized on Sunday, Nov. 18, while parking in G10 parking lot.
Student reported her vehicle was burglarized on Friday, Nov. 16, while parked in G9 parking lot.
Student arrested in Griffis Hall for aggravated assault domestic violence.
Student reported her bicycle stolen from bike rack at Perry Cafeteria.
Student reported a suspicious incident while walking to Burger King.
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018
Officer assisted Oktibbeha Sheriff’s Office on a warrant for a student on President’s Circle. Justice Court citation issued for suspended driver’s license.
Student reported receiving a suspicious email to obtain money.
Saturday, Nov. 24, 2018
Non-Resident/Visitor issued an arrest citation on Blackjack Road for possession on marijuana. Justice Court citation issued for expired tag.
Non-resident/visitor fell down the stairs in Humphrey Coliseum. Subject was assisted by nurse, but refused transport to OCH.
Non-resident/visitor issued an arrest citation and Justice Court citation on Blackjack Road for speeding 47/30 and possession of paraphernalia.
Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018
Non-resident/visitor issued an arrest citation and Justice Court citation on Blackjack Road for speeding 49/30 and possession of marijuana in motor vehicle.
Officer assisted SPD on a warrant on a student on Bailey Howell. MSU citation issued for obstructing traffic.
Subject was transported to OCH from Sessums Hall.
Monday, Nov. 26, 2018
Officer recovered an orange cone, belonging to MSU, in the trunk of a student’s vehicle on President’s Circle. Justice Court citation issued for suspended driver’s license.
Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2018
Student fell in Dorman Hall, causing injuries. Subject was transported to OCH.
Employee reported missing property from the Wise Center.
Employee reported missing property from Dorman Hall.
Employee reported missing property from McComas Hall.
Aramark employee reported her car was kicked by a former Aramark employee in the Fresh Food parking lot.
Employee reported a fraudulent charge to a student’s account at Garner Hall.
Notable Traffic Citations:
MSU citation issued for speeding 37/20 on Bailey Howell.
MSU citation issued for careless driving on Hardy Road.
MSU citation issued for obstructing traffic on MaGruder Street.
Justice Court citation issued for expired tag on Bully Boulevard.
Justice Court citation issued for expired tag on President’s Circle.
MSU citation issued for driving the wrong way on Hurst Lane.
MSU citation issued for speeding 37/20 on Bailey Howell.
MSU citation issued for expired tag on Hardy Road.
MSU citation issued for obstructing traffic on MaGruder Street.
MSU citation issued for speeding 51/30 on Blackjack Road.
MSU citation issued for speeding 50/30 on Blackjack Road.
MSU citation issued for speeding 53/30 on East Lee Boulevard.
MSU citation issued for speeding 51/30 on East Lee Boulevard.
MSU citation issued for speeding 59/30 on Lee Boulevard.
MSU citation issued for speeding 43/20 on Stone Boulevard.
MSU citation issued for speeding 37/20 on Stone Boulevard.
Bad dawgs Nov. 18 – 29
November 29, 2018
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