The recent article, “Hand-to-Hoof Combat Skills”, written by Justin McGehee in the Oct. 14 Reflector needs to be re-evaluated by the staff and yourself. The article was written in poor taste and lacked a respect for nature. Justin has provided ammunition for anti-hunters, anti-gun, PETA and their affiliates. He has blemished Mississippi State University, the students, the faculty and the alumni. Justin has also admitted, through his ignorance, to the breaking of the Department of Mississippi Wildlife and Fisheries game laws. (Note: The harvesting of two does in one day is not legal.)
Justin, in my honest opinion, should no longer be able to contribute anymore articles to The Reflector. He has disgraced a university that is highly respected in whitetail management throughout the United States. He has disgraced fish and wildlife officials with his blatant disrespect for the law, and he has disgraced many men, women and children that take hunting and its heritage very seriously.
In closing, I am very disappointed about this article. I hope that in the future you can find articles about the many valuable assets to the outdoors and wildlife communities Mississippi State has to offer, rather than articles with such a degrading, redneck tune.
John D. Rutherford is an MSU alumnus.
Outdoors column endorses illegal activities, degrades deer hunting
Letter to the Editor
October 26, 2004
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