Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, colleges receiving federal funds are responsible for assuring that fraternities on their campus do not practice racial discrimination, the United States office of Education said here.
According to a statement released by Commissioner Francis Keppel, “An institution which maintains a fraternity system as part of its activities and overall program is responsible under the civil rights act requirement for assuring that discrimination is not practiced by fraternities in the system.”
His views are based on Title VI of the act and administrative regulations issued by the Department of Healthy Education and Welfare with the approval of the President.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Section 601, reads as follows:
funds to submit certificates of compliance with this provision.
The assurances by the in shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”