I looked over the short editorial about the NCAAs Minority Opportunity and Interests Committee and couldn’t quite understand the stupidity of said committee’s considerations.I do agree with your stance that the NCAA has no place in politics, but is there something deeper? The MOIC, and committees like it, do nothing but hurt the culturally and racially equal ideal. Their hearts are in the right place, but where does advocacy and special treatment turn into a discrimination on its own? Don’t interest groups only further draw a line in-between ethnic and cultural groups?
Cultural diversity: what does it really mean? Does it simply mean to focus on everyone but the majority? Basically, it does. The MOIC is a joke and a hypocrite of itself. How can an organization promote diversity among all when it is discriminating against the entire state of Mississippi with its considerations?
If the NCAA goes with this consideration, it may as well point a middle finger to the entire state and scream, “You are not good enough for us.”
It sure would be diverse to throw out our entire state for post-season play.
Letter to the Editor