English philosopher John Locke believed that humanity was inherently good-natured, while philosopher Thomas Hobbes believed that people were inherently evil. However, neither of these beliefs has been proven over time. So what is today’s state of nature? Are people naturally good or evil?
The Dunn trial has many people questioning the good of humanity. Under the “Stand Your Ground” law of Florida, Michael Dunn opened fire on a car of three teenagers after complaining that their music was too loud. Dunn said the teenagers threatened him and he thought he saw a gun in their vehicle. He shot 10 times, three of which hit and killed Jordan Davis. After police searched the car they found no weapons. Dunn was found guilty of second-degree murder.
Many people argue the police officer’s actions were just pure evil. They do not believe that he felt threatened or that he saw a gun in the car. He simply acted out of evilness and opened fire on three innocent teens. With the birthday of Trayvon Martin, another teenager who was killed by an older man, passing in the same week as the Dunn trial, people are beginning to wonder what is happening to the world today.
Despite all of the turmoil going on around the world, there are still people who believe in the good of humanity. A website called givesmehope.com is completely dedicated to showing its viewers there is still hope for humanity. The website is full of stories about people, many complete strangers, who were selfless and helped others in whatever situation those indivuals were going through out of the kindness of their hearts.
There are so many stories that a person may think there cannot be that many people willing to do something good for others with nothing in return. Well, there are that many people and more whose stories have probably never been told.
So which one do you believe in? I asked myself this same question, and I started to reflect back on little incidents. I am sitting in class waiting for it to start with about five other people. I have to go to the bathroom, so I get up and walk out without taking my backpack that holds my cellphone and wallet with me. Why didn’t I take these things? I just assumed that no one would steal my things, and if anyone tried to take them, I expect the others to say something to stop them. I believe in the good in humanity.
I am not saying there is no evil in humanity. I would not walk alone late at night or leave $100 on a table while I go to the bathroom. I just believe that people are tempted to do good rather than evil because of the higher consequences that come along with doing bad.
It is entirely up to you to believe what you want. Just think of it this way: what are you more tempted to do? Are you tempted to be evil or do nice things? Do you hold the door open for others? Are you tempted to snatch someone’s backpack when you see them step away from it? You would be surprised at how many people think the same way you do.
Amidst deprave news coverage, human kindness prevails in world
Sequoia Richardson
February 18, 2014
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