Over the past five years, Bulldog Bash has grown into not only the biggest night of the year for MSU students, but also Mississippi’s largest free outdoor event. This year’s bash, featuring nationally-known recording acts Howie Day and Calvin Richardson, will extend this trend.
One of the reasons Bulldog Bash has become so successful and such a point of pride for everyone, including Starkville officials and residents, is that participants have been extremely safe and well-mannered. Last year’s bash produced only three arrests, two of which involved LSU students.
When talking with President Charles Lee about Bulldog Bash, he always brags on the exquisite behavior of MSU students at Bulldog Bash. Starkville Police Chief David Lindley claims that MSU students are classier than the students of any college town he has ever seen. These are things to be proud of.
Because these officials believe so strongly in the students of MSU, they continue to support and invest in student-oriented events. Without their support, Bulldog Bash, an event respected by folks all over the Southeast, would not be possible.
I invite you to go to Bulldog Bash tonight in full force. Have the time of your life. Celebrate music, MSU and its football team. That’s why Bulldog Bash exists. That’s why the Student Association has put thousands of hours since April into making it happen and keeping it free. It’s for you.
Just remember that your behavior will influence the possibility of having a bigger and better Bulldog Bash next year. Make responsible choices. Know your limits. Respect the fact that everyone has a right to have just as much fun as you.
Bulldog Bash is our way of showing the world that Mississippi State students know how to have a great time. While you’re at it, show the world that Mississippi State students are still the classiest kids around.
Adam Telle is the Student Association president. He can be reached at [email protected].
Come to Bulldog Bash
Adam Telle / SA President
September 10, 2004