Campers, tents and swarms of people surround Davis Wade Stadium and various parts of campus every football season to tailgate before each game.
Tomorrow’s events will include a live broadcast from WMSV three hours before kickoff featuring prizes, giveaways and live interviews, a tailgate party for alumni of the Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering and a party hosted by the college of arts and sciences on the Lloyd-Ricks lawn. The MSU Cellular South Bulldog Fan Fair will be held in the amphitheater again and the Hunter Henry Center will open for alumni from 9 to 10:30 a.m. More information on game-day activities can be found at (see NEW SITE, right).
Campus groups, ranging from the university colleges to fraternities and sororities, surrounded the stadium with a wave of maroon by hosting tailgate parties.
The Residence Hall Association held a daylong tailgate party sponsored by Domino’s Pizza, The Little Dooey, Abner’s, Bulldog Deli and Old Venice for dorm residents, housing alumni and staff.
Jeremy Johnson, vice president of activities for RHA, noted that the event was open to everyone, though.
“It was the first home game. We wanted to show that we are here for our residents and non-residents, and this was our token of appreciation for them,” Johnson said.
The College of Veterinary Medicine presented a win-win situation for vet school students participating in their tailgate party. Not only were they able to interact with vet school alumni, socialize and eat, they were awarded points toward the student chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association for coming.
“When the students come by and visit the tailgate parties, they get points for SCAVMA,” explained Wayne Groce, a professor in the CVM office of special programs. “The amount of points they receive determines if they get a recommendation for the American Veterinary Medical Association. SCAVMA hosts a tailgate party at every home game this year except for the Egg Bowl.”
The College of Arts and Sciences held one of the biggest tailgate parties on campus.
Each tailgate party has a specific theme, said Jan Peacock, business manager for the college. Last week’s party had a Mardi Gras theme for Tulane University.
“Our college is so diverse. We try to bring everyone together, from biological sciences to sociology and everything in between,” Peacock said. “We want to be known as the hospitable college. We even had visitors from Tulane.”
Like most tailgate parties, the arts and sciences party boasts food and fellowship, but they have an added means of entertainment as well. Live musicians will play at the arts and sciences tent throughout the season, starting with the Cedar Creek Ramblers on Sept. 18 for the Maine game. Bill Cook will perform on Oct. 9, and he and his band will perform on Oct. 23 for the Florida game.
Both colleges say they host a tailgate party before every home game, and usually start two hours before the game.
Tailgating popular pregame events for all
Tyler Stewart
September 9, 2004