As a student and a huge MSU fan, I feel I should write this in responses to the Bill Atkinson letter to The Reflector on MSU football. Atkinson said that “he was embarrassed to admit he is an MSU alum because of the LSU humiliation”. A strong statement and a fair weather fan don’t you think? I agree that the LSU game was a devastating loss and the past couple of years have been disappointing because of our lack of wins. What about several years ago when we played for the SEC championship, went to the Cotton Bowl, the Peach Bowl (twice), and Independence Bowl? What about all the athletes who have come from MSU and gone on to be pros like Johnny Cooks, D.D Lewis, Walt Harris, Johnny Baker, and Fred Smoot? As the daughter of a former Mississippi State football player, I have been taught by my dad that we should always support the team no matter what. How do you think the players feel when we are losing and they see the fans leaving to go home? Do you think they are inspired to come back when everyone has given up on them? Do you think the players are motivated when they read The Reflector each week and they see comments like the one from Bill Atkinson.
I am excited about the directions of the football program. Changes are being made, but it takes time to see the results of Coach Croom and his staff. This coming Saturday I plan on attending the MSU/Vandy game with many other MSU student and fans. I plan on wearing maroon and white proudly, cheering on Bulldogs, and supporting them until the very end. GO BULLDOGS!!!!
Emily Brooks is a senior in human sciences.
Football program response #5
Letter to the Editor
September 30, 2004