The days are getting warmer and clothes scarcer, but for one student, shorts and a T-shirt are simply too much. Clad only in a George W. Bush mask and a leopard-print thong, a male student streaked across the Drill Field Thursday afternoon at 12:15.
“I haven’t laughed so hard all semester,” senior communication major Meagan Newsom said.
Newsom, who witnessed the feat, said 50 to 60 people watched, some gawking, many laughing.
In addition to wearing the mask and thong, which Newsom said did not stay securely positioned, the streaker had the words “da ville” painted on his chest.
Newsom said the streaker, an acquaintance, is a graduating senior who just wanted to do something wild before graduation day.
She said the streaker planned the stunt. A friend dropped him off near Lee Hall, she said, and he sprinted across the Drill Field to another car waiting near Swalm, which promptly drove away.
Former Student Association Chief of Staff Kate McIntosh said she was talking to a group of friends near the flagpole at the time.
“I though it was funny,” McIntosh said. “We just laughed real hard.”
Drill Field streaker amuses students
About the Contributor

Josh Foreman, Faculty Adviser
Josh Foreman served as the Editor-in-Chief of The Reflector from 2004 to 2005.
He holds an MFA in Writing from the University of New Hampshire, and has written six books of narrative history with Ryan Starrett.
[email protected]