MSU students will have an opportunity to enjoy pancakes on a Saturday morning and help others at the same time at the American Red Cross Fourth Annual Pancake Breakfast Benefit.
The breakfast, which will be held at the First United Methodist Church Family Life Center, will raise funds to aid fire and other disaster victims. The proceeds will also make it possible to deliver military messages for families trying to reach loved ones in the armed forces.
“This is another good way for students to be involved in helping others,” Cerese Teel, executive director of Oktibbeha County’s American Red Cross, said.
Teel said that last year individual donations to the ARC were down $3,000 from the projected budget.
“We depend on individual donations with events like this for a portion of our revenue. We are not a government agency,” Teel said. “We don’t receive funding from the government or National Red Cross Headquarters.”
The Oktibbeha County chapter of the ARC aids disaster victims by giving vouchers for shelter, food or clothing.
“We give $100 per family member, with a cap of $500,” Teel said.
Donations to the ARC also make classes in health, safety and disaster training available and free to the public.
This annual event began in 2000, when student board member and 2000 MSU graduate Kirk Eddleman suggested a pancake breakfast to help raise funds for the Red Cross. The first and third year, the breakfast raised $2,500 and $3,500 the second year. This year, the ARC set a goal to raise $5,000.
“It’s a fun event, and we really encourage students to come,” Teel said.
Tickets to the breakfast, which includes pancakes, bacon, sausage, juice, coffee and milk, will be sold for $5 at the local Red Cross office at 104 W Lampkin Street. Tickets will also be available in front of the Union from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 29 through 31.
The breakfast will be Saturday, Feb. 1 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. For more information, contact the Red Cross office at 323-4621, [email protected] or access the Web site at
American Red Cross hosts breakfast, helps victims
Claire Hardin
January 28, 2003