After hearing friends rave about the new reality show “Newlyweds,” which takes a peek into the lives of pop stars Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, I decided to check it out myself.
I quickly realized what all the hype was about. It’s an in-depth look at two early-20’s pop stars’ new life together, and it’s hilarious.
Jessica is spoiled and whiny. She’s also a terrible housecleaner and girlishly naive (I can relate). Amazingly, Nick keeps his cool when most guys would say “to hell with it.”
One of my friends wondered how Nick puts up with her. It’s a good question. One has to wonder if it’s only a matter of time until Nick gets fed up and explodes-while this definitely occurs in relationships, it is not happening in theirs.
Nick’s behavior means he loves her for who she is, despite her faults. They have an unconditional love-baggage and all.
Ladies, let’s be honest with ourselves and admit that sometimes we have Jessica moments. We can whine and be spoiled. We can be bad housekeepers and naive.
When you have a Jessica moment (or if it’s your daily routine) how does your man deal? If he is patient and continues to be loving, then you’ve got a keeper. But, if he acts like a jackass, don’t worry. There is someone out there who is willing to deal with your faults.
By the way, he’s not a jackass just because he won’t buy you a $600 Louis Vuitton (Not all guys can be like Nick).
So why do girls have these Jessica moments?
If you’re in a relationship with a girl and she seems to be showing some of these signs occasionally, try and think of what is happening in your relationship when she acts this way. She may subconsciously be using these tactics to let you know she feels neglected. Now ladies, remember if you’re asking your man to deal with your baggage, make sure you can deal with his. It’s OK for us to be treated like princesses (we deserve it right?) but we have to respect our men, too.
Even if we can’t all be gorgeous millionaire couples with our own TV shows, we can still deal with each other’s faults-no matter what they are. After all, that’s what unconditional love is all about.
Lauren will answer readers’ questions. E-mail questions to [email protected].
New reality show insightful
Lauren Bounds
October 7, 2003