The Mississippi State University Student Association will appropriate a record $20,000 to campus organizations this year, thanks to the largest allocation of funds for student organizations in university history by President J. Charles Lee.
Lee oversaw a one-time allocation of $75,000 to be given to student organizations. The Student Association has received $50,000, $20,000 of which is to be allocated to various organizations by application. The Black Student Alliance and the Grad-student Association were also allocated $10,000 each and the International Services Office was given $5,000.
“Last year we appropriated $10,000 and the years before that we appropriated $2,000. This is a substantial increase,” said Christina Dennery, treasurer of SA.
The SA office said student organizations can come in, fill out a request form and submit it with a copy of their itemized budget. Any student organization that is registered with the university is eligible to receive money. The deadline for submitting requests is Oct. 20. The appropriations committee will then meet and decide which organizations will get the money. Their decisions will be announced on Nov. 4.
“I want to encourage organizations to come and take advantage of this money. This is one way organizations can fund projects that the organization would like to see happen. There are no restrictions on how much an organization can receive. This money will be given out by the committee at their discretion,” SA President Josh Blades said.
The money is designed to help student organizations fund programs that would not normally take place in the organization, Blades said.
According to the rules, the money cannot be used for operational, travel or lodging expenses of the organization. When an organization submits their requests the committee will be looking for detailed listings of the intended use of the funds and any recognition afforded to MSU and any awards that will be sponsored.
“There are over 300 organizations on campus. This money will go a long way to meeting the needs of students. We want organizations to use this money to benefit all students of the university and the surrounding community, not just the organization itself,” said Marla Billups, chairwoman of the appropriations committee.
“One of the things we have done this year with the money given to SA was the Gubernatorial debate this past Monday night,” Blades said. “Another example is Bulldog Bash. Both of these events were funded by the money we received from Dr. Lee,” Blades said.
The SA is very grateful to Lee for the money.
“Dr. Lee has been the best friend to students of any president. Anytime we have an event he is right there helping to make it happen,” Blades said.
Student organizations benefit from the university
Chris Moore / The Reflector
October 10, 2003