The Associated Student Body president of the University of Mississippi faces impeachment or resignation.
Hardy Case will announce today at 9 a.m. whether he will resign his position as ASB president.
The case against Case has several factors, the first of which being his behavior following the Sept. 27 football game against Texas Tech. Reports say that Case overturned tables in the Grove and damaged a satellite dish.
The second variable is several ASB senators disapprove of his performance thus far.
“He behaved in a way that hurt the student body image and the university’s image. It was kind of the final nail in the coffin for the senate’s dissent against him,” said Laura Houston, editor in chief of UM’s student paper, The Daily Mississippian. “There’s a lot of doubt about the direction of his administration so far,” Houston said.
The Daily Mississippian reported Case as saying he had paid for the satellite. He apologized for his mistakes and said he still had much he wanted to accomplish during his term.
However, the ASB is prepared to take action. Several members have advised the Case to resign.
“If he chooses to fight the Senate and Cabinet on this then they’ve agreed to go through formal impeachment proceedings,” Houston said.
The ASB Constitution requires signatures of 20 percent of the student body before Case can be removed from his office.
“I’m not really aware of anything he’s personally done. In talking with some of my friends who are senator they said he hasn’t shown any commitment to his post and they haven’t been happy with his reign since he started,” said Ben Haggan, a junior journalism major at UM..
MSU Student Association Attorney General Hunter Jones said the SA senate does have an impeachment process. “The Senate has sole authority to impeach. A majority of the senate would have to make the charge either by a resolution of by a petition. Once the charge has been make, the senate has to vote on the impeachment and two-thirds would have to vote to impeach for him to be removed from office.,” Jones said.
UM president to be impeached
Pam McTeer / The Reflector
October 13, 2003