I am responding to Nyerere Tryman’s Nov. 11 article, “Race costs Anderson election.”
Every time a black person does not get a job-whether it is in coaching, administration, or politics-black people scream racism.
Mississippi will not move forward until people like Tryman quit crying racism every time they do not get their way. The only reason racism exists today is because cry-babies like Tryman cannot live with the fact that there are more qualified or better-liked people out there.
Imagine if Anderson had won the election. Do you think Reeves and his supporters would be writing articles saying that race was the reason he did not win?
Enough is enough. Find a new card to start playing. Do the rest of us a favor and accept things for how they are.
Ben Walker is a junior history major.
It’s time to ‘quit crying racism’
Ben Walker
November 14, 2003