I am new to The Reflector, but I am not new to having my own opinion. Those who know me will tell you that I am the first person to let you know what I think. Being raised by parents that preached open-mindedness, honesty and self expression has molded my talkative side, so here is a dose.
It is hard to have a conversation these days without “The War on Iraq” being tossed around the room. Just about everyone has their opinion of Saddam Hussein and the potential war in Iraq, and I am no different. It seems to me that he is getting a lot of attention as of late. Now I’m not saying our mustached friend doesn’t deserve it, but I am wondering what is up with our bearded buddy, Osama bin Laden.
It seems like just yesterday we were on the charge to capture bin Laden and take down Al Qaeda. I can remember Bush’s speech a week or two after Sept. 11 in which he looked us all in the eye and told us we are going to capture bin Laden.
I, like millions of other Americans, thought we had bin Laden cornered. It was just a matter of combing through miles of Afghan mountains and valleys.
Let us not forget that he is the man behind the Sept. 11 attacks and that he is responsible for countless U.S. lives. I find it strange that there has been no update on the hunt for bin Laden, but Iraq and Saddam Hussein are front page news everywhere you turn.
Well, it is 2003 and no bin Laden, no new “I hate America” tapes, no nothing. Of course there are the rumors that bin Laden is dead, or that he is still on the run, but what really happened? My biggest question is who is still concerned?
I can remember all of the FBI pinups and posters of bin Laden that I saw in the office I worked in this past summer. I thought it was a bit too much at the time, but I really admired the seriousness and the effort put forth. Bin Laden is still atop the list of the bureau’s 10 most wanted, and, unfortunately, it looks like he is going to be there for a while.
Of course, I hope he is no longer a thorn in our side, but I wonder just how many people he reached. I wonder just how many of these Al Qaeda are in America.
Honestly, I think the hunt for bin Laden might take a while, and that our attention should be on Iraq at this moment, but we can’t forget about bin Laden.
I think it is a bit disappointing that we have not yet apprehended bin Laden, but I am glad that people like Richard “The Shoe Bomber” Reid was captured when he was.
Reid was sentenced to life in prison on Jan. 31 but left praising Allah and with his choice remarks concerning America. Well “shoe bomber,” enjoy the company in prison; I don’t think I need to tell you what not to drop.
Jokes aside, I think it is important to remember that our U.S. soldiers are a part of Operation Enduring Freedom, and if Bush decides that war with Iraq is in the future, I trust that Bush will make the right decision.
David Miller is a junior commuication major.
U.S. shouldn’t forget hunt for Bin Laden
David Miller
February 11, 2003