Enron Electric, so you see,
Has filed for corporate bankruptcy,
But not before the big boss dudes
Cashed out a billion, isn’t that rude?
When this company went broke,
Lots of retirement went up in smoke
Because the bosses of this company
Would not allow their employees
To cash out on retirement before
Enron’s stock fell through the floor.
Now they don’t have that 401K
That they were saving for a rainy day,
But the bosses are safe (here’s where it gets funny)-
They lined their pockets with lots of money.
Six hundred “critical” got luckier still,
With bonuses totaling a hundred mill.
Protected their assets (Isn’t that shrewd?),
Meanwhile the regular guys got screwed.
The Justice Department has started peeping
Into the secrets Enron was keeping.
While their ballpark featured the Astros playing,
Their income taxes they weren’t a-paying.
They cooked their books to hide their debt-
At five hundred million it was set.
Kept stock prices high by hiding the wad.
In most states ’round here, that’s called fraud.
Lawsuits are raining from across the land,
But here’s what I don’t understand:
Enron called the Bush White House,
Who stayed as quiet as a mouse.
Their contacts were high up, you see-
The heads of Commerce and the Treasury.
Enron had political clout.
Let me tell you what it’s all about.
Enron was the institution
For lavish soft money contributions.
Three guys appointed by Jeb Bush’s brother
Were Enron execs at one point or another.
The head honcho of the RNC
Once lobbied for politicians…for Enron, you see.
So why didn’t someone in the know
Tell us that Enron was about to go?
Whose “assets” really got protected
By these guys we elected?
So the moral of this story, for the ordinary Joe:
It’s not who you are, it’s who you know.
Enron schmenron…
Tony Odom
January 25, 2002