Many traditions are becoming extinct in today’s modern world, but the Golden Triangle Fair is not one of them. The fourth annual Golden Triangle Fair will be at the Mississippi Horse Park in Starkville from Thursday, Sept. 5, through Sunday, Sept. 8.
“We are trying to put on a cool fair,” fair operator Len McRae said. “It will have something for everybody.”
That “something” includes a petting zoo, talent competition, exhibits, arts and crafts, live entertainment, games and prizes, fun rides and much more.
“There are a lot of traditions that go away because they are not preserved through an outlet,” McRae said, pointing out that events such as woodcarving, mule pull and an antique engine show are not things people get to experience.
“This fair is a great way to preserve older, traditional-type events that you do not see at the mall or downtown,” McRae said. “County fairs are a great way to preserve unique events like chainsaw carvers.”
The Golden Triangle Fair also has a large selection of arts and crafts and local and regional talent, including three daily shows of chainsaw artists who carve logs into eagles and wooden swings.
There will also be fun-filled rides for everyone to enjoy.
“We know that a lot of people go to the fair because of the rides,” McRae said, and this year’s fair will feature a “substantially larger” midway with a larger variety of rides.
Not only will the fair have exciting entertainment and rides, but it will also have 4-H livestock exhibits, Hillbilly Bob, pony rides and great food.
Beginning Thursday, the fair will open at 4 p.m. and will last until 10 p.m. with $1 off admission. The rest of the hours are 4 p.m. to midnight on Friday, 10 a.m. to midnight on Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday. Admission for adults is $5, ages 6-12 is $3 and children under six are admitted free.
Golden Triangle Fair kicks off Thursday
Amanda Myers
August 29, 2002