Friday, Aug. 23
*1:21 a.m. Non-student was arrested by the MSU Police Department and charged with public drunkenness and possession of alcohol by a minor.Saturday, Aug. 24
* 2:34 a.m. Student was arrested by the Starkville Police Department and charged with DUI and speeding.
* 3:37 a.m. Student was arrested by MSU Police Department and charged with DUI, driving with a suspended license and disregard for a traffic device. Arrest was made on Stone Boulevard. Student was referred to the Dean of Students.
* 3:37 a.m. Student was arrested by the Starkville Police Department and charged with public drunkenness. Arrest was made in the lobby of Suttle Hall. Student was referred to the Dean of Students.
Monday, Aug. 26
* 9:15 a.m. Student was taken by ambulance to Oktibbeha County Hospital and treated for feeling faint while walking to class.
* 1:20 p.m. Student reported that her vehicle was struch by another vehicle while parked at McComas Hall.
* 1:30 p.m. Student reported that he was struck by a vehicle while he was crossing at President’s Circle and Magruder Street.
* 1:38 p.m. Employee was taken to Oktibbeha County Hospital and treated for a laceration to the right thigh. Subject was hit by a machine while working at Auxiliary Plaza.
* 3:22 p.m. Student was arrested by the Starkville Police Department and charged with a suspended driver’s license and improper passing.
* 4:18 p.m. Student reported that she received a harassing phone call in her residence hall room in Rice Hall from an unknown male caller.
* 7:27 p.m. False Fire alarm at Evans Hall.
Tuesday, Aug. 27
* 3:28 p.m. Student reported that he lost his student parking decal.
Wednesday, Aug. 28
* 7:31 a.m. Student was arrested by the Starkville Police Department and charged with speeding.
* 12:55 p.m. Student was arrested by the Starkville Police Department and charged with failure to appear.
* 7:32 p.m. MSU Police assisted the Starkville Police Department with a death investigation of a student that occurred off campus.
* 8:04 p.m. Student was arrested by the Starkville Police Department and charged with domestic violence.
Bad Dawgs
August 29, 2002