When tsunamis slammed into the coasts of Asian countries a few weeks ago, the world felt the full effect of those deadly waters. The shock waves of the monumental tragedy even shook people here at MSU.
We mourned the loss of our fellow human beings, feeling their pain and suffering. We watched, helpless, as the death toll climbed to horrific numbers.
Now in the aftermath of modern history’s worst natural disaster, we are left to contemplate the past few weeks’ events.
Some local groups have organized aid for the survivors, while others in Starkville have offered their prayers for the thousands who died.
During times of such loss we need to remember the delicacy of life, the vitality of hope and the importance of helping our fellow man.
Countries across the world lost people, citizens of countries such as Indonesia lost everything and an entire generation of some Asian countries’ children are gone.
It’s heartening to see such an outpouring of aid from people all over the world. Private donations in America are expected to reach the hundreds of billions of dollars. The American government has already pledged hundreds of billions. In Starkville, the university’s biggest student organizations are organizing a massive clothing and fundraising drive to aid victims.
In the moments Americans began receiving the images of the flooded and ruined countries, we were reminded that in the grand scheme of things we are all human, all citizens of the world.
The disaster has spurred an outpouring of support, and hopefully it won’t evaporate soon.
The Reflector editorial board is made up of opinion editor Angela Adair, news editor Elizabeth Crisp, assistant news editor Jed Pressgrove sports editor Jeff Edwards, entertainment editor Dustin Barnes, managing editor Pam McTeer and editor in chief Josh Foreman.
Tsunami aid
January 14, 2005