Practice responsibility for Starkville, others
Bulldog Bash will start tonight, and it’s one of the biggest events-if not the biggest-for MSU students and the community in general.
The Bash also brings people from other universities and towns, thanks to advertisements at other colleges.
More importantly, it draws the campus and city together. There are activities for students and families. When this sort of thing happens, it is an opportunity for all residents in Starkville to just have a good time.
However, if the students show to the community and other places that we are unruly and undisciplined, this could quickly and easily come to an end.
Basically, be safe and behave responsibly. There’s no sense in making trouble during an event that everyone is supposed to enjoy.
For instance, the Bash takes place in the Cotton District, a residential area. This means that we should respect the property of the people who live there. We should demonstrate courtesy while we party around homes. We should not litter like heathens.
The city is cooperating to let this event go on. Police will be surveying the area to provide protection. In the same sense, we should be cooperative if we participate in an event that doesn’t necessarily have to occur.
Plus, if we did cause serious trouble, we would be spitting in the faces of the Student Association members. The SA worked hard to prepare these festivities. Getting artists from many genres to please a wide audience is just one example of the SA’s hard work.
Don’t forget that Bulldog Bash inspired other events like Down in the District and Old Main Music Festival. These are two more examples of the city caring to do something for not only its regular citizens, but for students as well.
So let’s try to show everyone at the Bash that we can be responsible. Let’s not become liabilities.
And don’t forget to be safe in the traffic. There’s going to be busy streets tonight.
The Reflector editorial board is made up of opinion editor Jed Pressgrove, news editor Sara McAdory, assistant news editor Wade Patterson, sports editor Ross Dellenger, entertainment editor Tyler Stewart, managing editor Dustin Barnes and editor in chief Elizabeth Crisp.
Bulldog Bash