Saturday is fast approaching. The hallowed ground we call Davis Wade Stadium will soon be descended on by over 50,000 Bulldog faithful.
This year, fans will be legally allowed to bring their sacred cowbells into the games.
At face, this sounds like an immaculate idea to any Bulldog supporter.
We all know the catch, though: fans can only ring their cowbells at appropriate times (i.e. touchdowns, time-outs, halftime and when the team is running onto the field.) In addition, if the fans do not comply, the school will be assessed a fine ranging from $5,000 to $50,000, depending on the number of violations during a game.
Unfortunately, it is hard for me to believe our student section will be completely cooperative, but I think that the SEC recognizes that, too.
If the SEC is really pushing to remove all artificial noisemakers from sporting events, it would make sense that this rule was destined for failure, and will result in another all-out banning of cowbells. This may just be the SEC’s way of milking more money through fines pressed against the school.Hopefully this is not the case, but it very well could be.
This puts students (since they are the most likely to be ringing the cowbells) in a very rare and interesting position-we now have the opportunity to directly affect our school and our team.
Our athletic budget for 2010-11 is one of the smallest in the SEC, so every penny counts. Dan Mullen and his staff have worked incredibly hard for Bulldog Nation to ensure an exciting season.
They have put in the hours. They know their responsibility is to take care of business every Saturday, and I have great confidence they will.
However, in this strange situation we’ve been put in, we must recognize it is our responsibility to make sure Dan and the boys are not worried about or hassled with any unnecessary off field drama, especially something as trivial as a bell.
Being relatively new to the Bulldog Nation, I am not as passionate, but I still care.
I think it is another juvenile attempt, much like celebration penalties, to put a lid on the passion, emotion and pride that overflows from college football. I understand that our cowbells can be pretty distracting, but that’s the point.
You don’t just walk into someone’s house and turn the music down because its bothering you, do you? No, of course not, and I think (though I might be stretching here) it’s kind of the same thing.
Even so, we know the ruling, and we know what our responsibilities are, so let’s act like adults. I am calling for all my fellow students to help rather than hurt the Bulldogs on Saturdays this fall by sticking to the script, and waiting to clang those bells when it’s allowed.
Will you rise to the challenge? Or will you be the drunken buffoon constantly ringing away, shouting, “Damn the rule!”
Don’t be that guy. Please.
We saw what Dan Mullen can do with a team in one season.
So let’s show some respect, and help make this one even better.
Ring your cowbell! But ring responsibly.
Micah Green is a junior majoring in communication. He can be contacted at [email protected].
Students should observe cowbell rules to protect the right to ring
Micah Green
September 2, 2010